Identities and the Media: Post-colonialism & Orientalism

Identities and the Media: Post-colonialism & Orientalism

1) Watch the opening of Yasmin (2004) again. Does it offer a positive or negative view of British Muslims? To what extent does it reinforce or challenge Edward Said's theory of Orientalism - that the west is superior to the exotic or uncivilised east?
2) Summarise the three theorists we have looked at this week: Alvarado, Fanon and Said.
3) Finally, choose ONE clip for EACH of the theorists and explain how you could apply that theory to the clip. Pick your clips from YouTube but feel free to use TV, film, music video or advertising - whatever you think is most powerful and relevant. Embed the clips in your blog before writing your analysis under each clip. Note: this means you need THREE clips in total on this blogpost.

1) The opening of Yasmin (2004) Offers both positive and negative views of British Muslims. Some positives include the fact that Yasmin is an independent woman that drives a fast car however some negatives could be that she is trying to hide her culture and that the older generation are trying to control and teach the younger generation. 
This reinforces Edward Said's theory as seen in the clip Yasmin can be seen as being stereotyped as the police stop her and also the older generation still try to have a hold over the younger generation possibly leading them to have conflict of identites, however, this clip challenges Said's theory as Yasmin has adopted British culture and mocks her traditional culture.

2) Alvardo: argues that there are 4 key themes in racial representation: -Exotic -Dangerous - Humorous -Pittied. 
He argues that this often is in relation to the black community but can be applied to other non-white groups. 

Fanon: argues "Black Skin, White Masks" - many people try to adapt their culture to fit into the 'universal' criteria for 'beauty' which tends to be white. 
Black stereotypes can be seen as: -Infantisise -Primitivise -Decivilse -Essentialise.

Said: Orientalism: The normative versus 'The Other'. 
Argues that the west, particularly colonising Europe, constructed a meaning of the east. Creates a certain image about European mind and in doing that infused a bias in the European attitude towards them.


This is a clip from James Bond that supports the Alvardo's theory. Alot of the females in James Bond were exotic but also could be seen as dangerous in some aspect. The black lady in this clip could be seen in a bikini and flirting with James Bond at the beginning showing that he is attracted to her. The idea that she is in a bikini shows how exotic she is but also dangerous as they both are seen to proceeding in harming James Bond. 

This is a documentary that focuses on why Jamacians bleach their skin and it supports Fanon's theory as they are trying to change their culture in order to appear more 'beautiful'. As seen in the clip, when interviewing many of the citizens they are all said to be bleaching their skin in order to appear more 'pretty' and to be more appealing to the men in their society. 

This is a social experiment where a muslim lady starts to pray in public which supports Said's theory. Some people can seen as being supportive however some are very rude and ridiculing towards her. Also, some can be seen asking the lady about terrorism meaning that the stereotype is being reinforced. The most shocking was the man at the end (3:10) that says to the lady she can't do that here and physically assaults her. People stick up for her however the man's reaction to the lady praying could be seen as an effect of the West portraying the ideology that people from the East are dangerous.


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