Week 2 New/Digital Media
Year 13: Weekly New/Digital Media Homework

Uber loses its license in London
BBC - 22/09/17
This article explores the reason why Uber's license was revoked in London and how this could affect the employees and consumers. This talks about the safety of passengers being at risk due to there not being sufficient background checks on Uber drivers leading to multiple cases of misconduct and therefore the reason why it loses its license in London.
- TfL's concerns include Uber's approach to carrying out background checks on drivers and reporting serious criminal offences.
- Uber's current licence is due to run until 30 September.
- 3.5 million passengers and 40,000 drivers use the Uber app in London.
- Chief executive Travis Kalanick resigned in July following a series of scandals and criticism of his management style.
- In June, 20 staff were sacked after a law firm investigated specific complaints made to the company about sexual harassment, bullying, and retaliation for reporting problems.
- At the start of 2017, the firm paid £16.2m ($20m) in the US to settle allegations it gave false promises to drivers over how much they would earn.
- In October 2016 Uber lost a landmark employment tribunal in the UK which ruled drivers should be classed as workers rather than being self-employed.
- A few months later Uber announced it would offer English courses, financial advice and introduce an appeals panel for its UK workers after facing criticism over lack of support and rights for its drivers.
- In 2014 the New Delhi government banned app-based taxi companies after an Uber driver raped a passenger in his vehicle.
- Uber stopped operating in Austin, Texas, when it was told drivers would have to have fingerprint background checks, but it reinstated its services after the requirement was ended.
- The license being revoked would put more than 40,000 licensed drivers out of work and deprive Londoners of a convenient and affordable form of transport.
- Uber operated in more than 600 cities around the world, including more than 40 towns and cities in the UK.
In my opinion, I think that Uber is a very sufficient, easy and reliable application as it provides the details of the driver and your journey that you could share with companions but if consumers are at risk and danger then perhaps this is the best decision. The use of there not being thorough background checks on the drivers could lead to a series of problems for passengers regarding the drivers behaviour so it would be more safe if there wasn't Uber.

Hacking warning: Kim Jong-un's henchmen to step up cyber attacks and target City of London.
Express - 01/09/17
This article looks at the use of hackers in North Korea, their partaking in the NHS hacking scandal and their objective to wire money from UK's banks into their economy. Allegedly, this is in order for Kim Jong-un to look into his nuclear range and missile programmes.
- Kim’s oppressive regime is ploughing cash into its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programmes, but North Korea's already weak economy has been hit hard by sanctions.
- The WannaCry ransomware - which caused chaos when it crippled NHS systems in May, is was linked to the North Korean regime.
- North Korea is widely believed to be behind the WannaCry cyberattack which spread to more than 300,000 computers across 150 countries.
- The anonymous perpetrators made off with £97,000 worth of the untraceable virtual currency.
- North Korea had sanctions earlier this month as punishment for its repeated - and widely condemned - long-range missile tests.
- The sanctions block oil, gas and petrol imports and previous measures have prevented the north from exporting some of its biggest earners, including coal, iron and lead.
In my opinion, I think that Kim Jong-un is exploring a dangerous situation that could lead to many people's security and well-being at risk. The hacking of the NHS and now the bank could jeopardise the UK's economy. I think that the actions of the PM could cause a war in the nearby future due to Donald Trump reacting in a provoked way aswell.
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