Week 1 New/Digital Media

Year 13: Weekly New/Digital Media homework

The Guardian - 09/09/17

This article consists of the events that happened to victims after the Manchester terror attack. It is noted that some of these victims are cyber-terrorised by online trolls that falsely accuse them of having a money based objective by sharing their story and are being offensive. Because of this, doctors are warning victims, especially younger ones, to be wary of these comments, to limit their uses of social media and to be careful of how they share their experience in the incident in order to avoid these trolls. 

  • 23 people were killed during Manchester attack. 
  • 250 people were injured. 
  • 4 doctors working with casualties reported at debriefs that victims they had treated or their relatives had been trolled.
  • Sender of these trolling messages purposely try to make you feel negative.
  • Being trolled can make PTSD worse.  

It is realistic that this happens as in the media there are very hateful people that try to diminish a persons emotion or make a situation worse for them. I think that this could be due to boredom, to make themselves feel better, to get attention or because of pure hate. I witnessed that some were even blaming the singer Arianna Grande and her dress sense for the terror attack. In all, I think that social media can heightened a person's sadness or depression if evoked in a negative way with comments and etc and therefore I agree that victims of the attack should limit how often they use social media.    

BBC - 17/09/17

This article contains information on the cancellation of Ryanair flights. This was due to there being planning inaccuracy's with the pilot holidays because of the accumulating requests for staff to go on a break towards the end of the year. Due to this, Ryanair has decided to change its annual leave time frame so that it is shifted more towards this time of year. Disorganisation of arrangements for passengers that had their set holiday dates revoked because of this have complained as Ryanair has failed to follow the law guidelines on airline cancellations. One of these include giving the passengers insufficient notice. 
  • 82 flights cancelled on Sunday, 56 on Monday,  55 on Tuesday and 53 on Wednesday.
  • 40-50 flights canceled everyday for the next six weeks. 
  • Customers affected with bookings up to the 20th have been informed. 
  • Holiday year will be shifted from April - March to September - October. 
  • Cancellations would affect up to 285,000 passengers. 
  • 2% of flights would be cancelled and the move would help hit Ryanair's annual punctuality target of 90%.
In my opinion, Ryanair should have had a time frame for this to be sorted out as this has affected a lot of passengers and their holiday plans. Due to them not being the only low - budget airline I think that passengers should purchase tickets through a different airline as Ryanair are becoming notable for their increasing faults. Also, Ryanair should have more precise arrangements so that this is avoided as it would affect their brand and could cause them to loose out on potential customers.


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