NDM: What's wrong with the internet?

NDM: What's wrong with the internet?

Read ‘Somebody’s watching you: Social media and surveillance’ – MM52 p13. Our Media Magazine archive is here.
1) Summarise the article in 50 words.

This article looks at the privacy and "life-spheres" of the internet. It can be seen that privacy could be breached and that people present themselves differently according to who is watching or what media platform they are on. This also covers the cost of data and government surveillance. The government can monitor, track or find out information based on what people post or search up on the internet. 
2) Are you worried about companies tracking your online movement?

I am somewhat worried about companies tracking my online movement as this could be a breach of privacy and personal information. 
3) Are the problems with the internet (such as concerns over data and privacy) a price worth paying for all the benefits we gain from life online?

There are alot of benefits with the internet even though there are alot of problems with it. Consumers are able to research things, keep in contact with people and do various things on the internet. However, there are alot of negatives like privacy, piracy and negative people. 
4) Should governments be able to spy on our activity online? Where would you draw the line - social media? Private messaging conversations? Our phone photos and contacts?

Governments should be able to spy on our activity online to some extent. It is good as they are able to track people that are doing bad things on the internet and stop them before they carry out any damage, however, they should online do this with people that have potential to be criminals. 
5) Read this Guardian news story from last week on Harvard withdrawing offers due to offensive memes on Facebook. In your opinion, were Harvard right to rescind those offers?

In my opinion, Harvard were right to rescind these offers as the students that were involved in the group chat could have displayed discriminating behaviour in the university and diminish their brand. Also, it shows that Harvard do not condone this behaviour and therefore keeping it a good university to attend as it has standards. 


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